Corporate Secretary Yearly Retainer Package

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Singapore Corporate Secretarial Services

We offer general corporate secretarial services required in the ordinary course of your business.  We can do so on based on a yearly package.  This affordable arrangement saves You money in the long run as You do not need to incur the costs of a full-time corporate secretarial professional.

Our services includes the following:

  1. Preparation of minutes and resolution in respect of Annual General Meeting
    • AGM is a formal meeting held once a year, and it is a legal requirement for a company to hold an AGM every year.
    • The main purpose of an AGM is to comply with legal requirements, such as the presentation and approval of the audited/unaudited accounts, election of directors, appointment of auditors and any other issues raised by the shareholders.
  2. Preparation of Annual Return
    Pursuant to the Singapore Companies Act (Cap. 50), every company having a share capital shall lodge a return containing its particulars, with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
    We will prepare the necessary secretarial documents and lodge the Annual Return after your approval.
  3. Reminders of statutory filing deadlines
    Whenever there is a change in the particulars of the company or when the Annual Return is due for filing, they must be filed/lodged with the ACRA within a stipulated time.
  4. Keeping in line with Compliance
    We will remind you of the relevant deadlines so as to ensure that your company is in compliance with the statutory requirements.
  5. Updating of the statutory book and registers
    Once the change in particulars is filed/lodged with the ACRA, we will update the statutory book and registers accordingly, as required by the Singapore Companies Act (Cap. 50).

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Engage Value Accounting Singapore for your Business today!

Send us your enquiries using the form below.  Our consultant will be in touch with you shortly.

Pls indicate your company name and industry
Position in Company (Owner, Partner, Director, Shareholder, Manager, CEO, CFO, COO, etc.)
Pls indicate your Mobile Number (plus + Country Code if your phone number is not from Singapore)
Please select all relevant choices.
Please provide more details on your business requirements, enquiries or requests for our initial evaluation.

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Pls send us Your Enquiry now!