Incorporate Offshore Companies

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Offshore company refers to a company incorporated outside the jurisdiction of its primary operations, usually in a tax haven which has little government control.

In the current business context, many companies around the world engaged in international trading due to globalization. As a result, the cross border business transactions have exposed the companies to various tax implications imposed by the jurisdictions in / with which the companies are trading.

This is when an offshore company, as a vehicle, can help to mitigate the tax exposures of your businesses.

Of course, this is only one of the benefits, and there are MANY MORE!

Benefits of incorporating an Offshore Company:

  1. Assets protection from claims / lawsuits;
  2. Highest level of privacy / confidentiality as to the owner’s identity;
  3. Limited liability without any paid up capital requirement;
  4. No tax filing requirement;
  5. No accounting requirement;
  6. No auditing and reporting requirement;

Tax Havens

With the assistance of BudgetAccounts, here are the offshore jurisdictions in which you can incorporate your Offshore Company:

  1. Bahamas
  2. Belize
  3. British Virgin Islands
  4. Brunei Darussalam
  5. Cayman Islands
  6. Cook Islands
  7. Labuan
  8. Mauritius
  9. Macau
  10. Samoa
  11. Seychelles

Documents Required

  1. Passport copies of proposed shareholders and directors
  2. Proof of Address (e.g. bank statement, recent utility bill) of proposed directors and shareholders
  3. Details of the parent company of corporate shareholders
  4. Completed application forms


  1. Select desired offshore jurisdiction for incorporation of company
  2. Incorporation of company
    1. Application for Entity Name (Branch name must be identical to the Parent Company)
    2. Registration of the business

Register Offshore Company in Singapore

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Engage Value Accounting Singapore for your Business today!
Send us your enquiries using the form below.  Our consultant will be in touch with you shortly.
Pls indicate your company name and industry
Position in Company (Owner, Partner, Director, Shareholder, Manager, CEO, CFO, COO, etc.)
Pls indicate your Mobile Number (plus + Country Code if your phone number is not from Singapore)
Please select all relevant choices.
Please provide more details on your business requirements, enquiries or requests for our initial evaluation.

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