Personalised Employment Pass

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Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) gives flexibility to the holder in the following situations:

  1. There is no need to re-apply for a new work pass should there be changes in employment;
  2. The holder is permitted to remain in Singapore for up to 6 months (if he / she has become unemployed) to search for new job opportunities.


You are eligible to apply for PEP if:

  1. You are a foreign professional whose last drawn fixed monthly salary in overseas is at least equivalent to S$8,000. (Note: The last drawn salary should not be more than 6 months prior to application.)
  2. You are a former P1 Employment Pass holder who is residing overseas. (Note: You should not be unemployed for more than a continuous period of 6 months at the point of application.)
  3. You are currently a:
    • P1 Employment Pass holder; or
    • P2 Employment Pass holder, who has:
      • worked on P2 pass in Singapore for at least 2 years, and
      • earned a total fixed salary of at least S$34,000 in the preceding year.
    • Q1 Employment Pass holder, who has:
      • worked on Q1 pass in Singapore for at least 5 years, and
      • earned a total fixed salary of at least S$34,000 in the preceding year.
  4. You are a foreign graduate from institutions of higher learning in Singapore, who has:
    1. worked on Employment Pass (whether P1, P2 or Q1) in Singapore for at least 2 years, and
    2. earned a total fixed salary of at least S$34,000 in the preceding year.

HOWEVER, if you fall into one of the categories below, you will NOT be eligible to apply:

  1. You have been issued with an Employment Pass under Sponsorship Scheme. (Note: Sponsorship Scheme refers to a scheme whereby your employer is overseas company which does not have a Singapore-registered business entity.)
  2. You are working or intend to work as a freelance in Singapore, without any direct employer.
  3. You have registered with the ACRA as any of the positions below:
    • A sole-proprietor of a sole-proprietorship; or
    • A partner of a partnership; or
    • A shareholder of a company; or
    • A director of a company.
  4. You are working as a journalist, editor, sub-editor or producer.

Passes for Family Members

PEP holder can apply 2 types of passes for his / her family members:

  1. Dependent’s Pass– PEP holder of whichever category (P1, P2 or Q1) is eligible to apply a Dependant’s Pass for his / her:
    • Spouse
    • Unmarried or legally adopted children who are below 21 years of age
  2. Long Term Visit Pass– Only PEP holder of category P1 and P2 is eligible to apply a Long Term Visit Pass for his / her:
    • Common-law spouse
    • Unmarried daughters who are above 21 years of age
    • Handicapped children who are above 21 years of age
    • Step-children who are under 21 years of age
    • Parents (only for P1 pass holders)

Documents Required

  1. A copy of the personal particulars page of applicant’s passport / travel document
  2. A passport-sized photograph of the applicant taken within the last 3 months
  3. A detailed resume / curriculum vitae
  4. A copy of highest educational (degrees or diplomas) / professional / specialist certificate
  5. A copy of past employment testimonials in English
  6. Appointment letter from the current employer
  7. Copies of monthly salary slip for the past 3 months

Important: Non-English documents or certificates are required to be translated into English and certified by the respective embassy.


  1. Online Application (7 days)/ Manual Application (5 weeks)
  2. Upon receipt of the In-principle Approval notification, valid for six months from the date of the letter, arrangements will be made for the collection of your PEP.

Processing Time

Value Accounting Singapore submits your application to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) electronically as the processing time is shorter (about 2 weeks), if compared to manual submission, which is about 5 weeks. Subsequently, we will arrange for you to collect the pass upon the MOM’s approval.

Validity of PEP

Upon successful of the application, the pass will be valid for 5 years.

Rejection and Appeal of PEP Application

In the event that your application is rejected by the MOM, we will find out the reason of it being rejected, and appeal the application for you. The MOM will take at least 3 weeks to process an appeal depend on the complexity of the case.

Cancellation of PEP

PEP must be cancelled if the holder is unemployed for more than 6 months.

Renewal of PEP

PEP is issued only one time and non-renewable.

Personalised Employment Pass PEP Application

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